

The image storage service used in StudyStudio is Cloudinary (opens in a new tab). Cloudinary is a cloud-based image and video management service. It enables users to upload, store, manage, manipulate, and deliver images and video for websites and apps. You can use their free-tier to host the images and videos for your application.


If you're worried about the free-tier not being enough or the need to scale in the future, we have provided an approximate accurate cost estimate calculator for our SaaS product in the documentation as well. Visit Cost Calculator to learn about it in depth.

Open your .env.local file and ensure following the given steps:

Setup Cloudinary Account

Create an account on Cloudinary (opens in a new tab) and get your Cloud Name. You will see this value in your Cloudinary dashboard. Copy it and save it for later use.

Creating a Cloudinary Upload Preset

From the sidebar, navigate to the Settings tab and then click on the Upload Presets tab. Create a new upload preset by clicking on Add Upload Preset button. Make sure your Signing mode is set to Unsigned. You can keep the rest of the values to be at default and the Upload Preset Name field empty. Click on Save. Once created, you can copy the Upload Preset Name that was generated by the system and save it for later use.


Example for the creation of upload preset on a cloudinary dashboard.

Replacing Cloudinary Cloud Name and Cloudinary Upload Preset

Replace your-cloudinary-cloud-name with your original Cloudinary Cloud Name, and your-cloudinary-upload-preset with your original Cloudinary Upload Preset values that you copied earlier.

NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = your-cloudinary-cloud-name
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET = your-cloudinary-upload-preset

This is how you can set up Cloudinary for your StudyStudio application.

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